The Perfect Crown Molding For A Philadelphia Basement
October 6, 2014 | Written by Josh Robinson | Posted in Carpentry
Sometimes the smallest detail can make or break the look of a room. This was the case with our most recent job in Philadelphia.
The crown molding that surrounded the basement of this home stopped just short of the staircase leading to the upper floors. This created a terrible eyesore, one that seemed difficult to fix due to the staircase’s awkward placement.
JR Carpentry & Tile quickly set to work designing a creative yet simple solution to this problem.
We made a small box – also known as a soffit – out of 1×10 material to extend a 90° edge under the stairs. This created an edge for the crown molding to wrap around the stairwell ceiling and continue on to the rest of the room.
Need help installing a bit of basement crown molding? Contact JR Carpentry & Tile today for a free quote!